Let’s be disruptive and cultivate real change.

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More than Just School

Most of my education has come from working across teams in a number of roles and across a number of different industries, from a Record Label, to Natural Foods, to Healthcare, to Journalism, and finally to Education. Each new team, new role, and new industry allowed me to constantly be learning, up-skilling, and applying my collaboration, creativity, and problem solving skills in fresh new ways.

I have a formal education too (see below), and will always be pursuing a new degree or certification. Currently I’m working on my PhD as an external doctoral candidate at the University of Amsterdam and an MBA (at the University of Iowa).

Art ∙ Bachelor of Arts ∙ University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA

  • Study Emphasis: graphic design, studio arts

  • Example Coursework: Painting, Drawing, Computer Design, Metalsmithing, Ceramics, Photography, Art History (General, African, Egyptian)

Psychology ∙ Bachelor of Arts ∙ University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA

  • Study Emphasis: Cognitive development of children 

  • Example Coursework: Intro to Child Development, Cognitive Development of Children, Memory and Cognition, Experimental Psychology, Intro to Statistical Methods, Abnormal Psychology, Intro to Social Psychology, Intro to Clinical Psychology

Journalism and Mass Communications ∙ Bachelor of Arts ∙ University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA

Study Emphasis: Media and society, reporting and writing, photojournalism

  • Example Coursework: Social and Scientific Foundations of Communication, Communication and Public Relations, Legal and Ethical Issues of Communication, Cultural and Historical Foundations of Communication, Mass Media Mass Society, Technology and Society, Media evaluation and media production (e.g., film, television, radio)



Where do I start?

My work experience follows a winding and wandering path that has allowed me to apply my knowledge skills in countless ways (this is one of the reasons I am so passionate about the value of 21st Century Skills!). Eventually that winding and wandering path lead to the wild frontiers of educational assessment and that is where I’ve made my home for the past 15 years, working both at ACT and Pearson and with organizations and institutions around the world. See below for more about where I’m at now and a little on what led me here.


I’ve worked on a number of projects in my 10+ years at ACT. Most of this work has focused on building environments to cultivate and measure 21st century skills. These projects have inlcuded:

PISA 2021 Innovative Domain: Creative Thinking (OECD Programme for International Student Assessment)

As the Lead Assessment Designer my primary focus with this project is leading the development of the assessment tasks and coding rubrics for the 2021 Innovative Domain Creative Thinking items. This continues to be a truly remarkable project!

Creative Thinking & Innovation : Construct definition and Measurement

This work has involved both working to better define the construct (the knowledge and skills involved with creative thinking) as it applies to Kindergarten through Career, and also developing online learning and assessment tools to teach and measure those skills. These tools range from interactive courses that involve learning, practice, and assessment to chatbot-powered environments that allow students to explore and demonstrate these skills through a group chat experience. For more on this exciting (and innovative!) work check out some of our work in the Presentations and Publications section below.

Collaborative Problem Solving : Construct definition and Measurement

My work with 21st Century Skills actually started out with projects focused on Collaborative Problem Solving. Similar to Creative Thinking this work focuses on both defining the construct and developing online learning and assessment tools to teach and measure those skills. Collaborative Problem Solving is a particularly exciting space to work in as it involves both ‘social’ and ‘cognitive’ skills. This allows the work and insights to expand into additional spaces related to Team Effectiveness and Problem Solving. We explore Collaborative Problem Solving skills using similar innovative learning and assessment tools to those we use for Creative Thinking.

USA National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Research and Development EFF Project (2019-CURRENT)

As the Project Director for ACT my direct contributions are focused on the design and development of engagement-enhanced features (EFF) closely modeled on the most recent NAEP assessment tasks in Science and Technology and Engineering Literacy, followed by an evaluation of the effects of these features on students’ engagement and performance.

Misc. Projects:

ACT Summer Camp (2016)

During the summer of 2016 I founded and co-directed a STEM-based summer camp for middle school students at ACT. It was awesome. We worked with 19 different department to coordinate 10 sessions designed to facilitate learning activities and prototype piloting for internal and external prototypes, as well as focus groups for new products. The students worked in teams to build load bearing boats which we tested in the landscaping ponds. The students built solar powered cars and engaged in collaborative problem solving activities. They learned about computer networks and programming with team interactive activities to hunt down ‘bugs’ and map their location. Most of all, the kids just had fun!

ACT National Curriculum Survey (2012-2015)

This was an exciting project. For this project we decided to extend the survey to include employers and employees in workforce, to get the career perspective on the skills required for success. We also took the survey online for the first time, and included questions regarding the value and teaching of 21st Century Skills. I provided general oversight and direct contributions to the cross-departmental development, deployment, marketing, analysis and reporting for the 2015 National Curriculum Survey (NCS), a nation-wide survey collecting data regarding educational practices and college and career readiness expectations.

Out and about…

Publications & Presentations

Lansing-Stoeffler, K., & Daley, N. (2023). Navigating the Spectrum of Conventionality: Toward a New Model of Creative Thinking. Journal of Intelligence, 11(2), 21.

Lansing-Stoeffler, K., & Daley, N. (2022). Cross-Cutting Capabilities: Transferable Skills for the 21st Century. ACT Research Report. 2022-07. ACT, Inc.

Stoeffler, K., Rosen, Y., & Way, J. (2022). When actions speak louder than words: Stealth assessment of social and emotional skills. In Assessing Competencies for Social and Emotional Learning (pp. 135-150). Routledge.

Publication ∙ Rosen, Y., Stoeffler, K., ., & Simmering, V (2020). Imagine: Design for Creative Thinking, Learning, and Assessment in Schools. Journal of Intelligence., 8(2), 16.

PublicationStoeffler, K., Rosen, Y., Bolsinova, M., & von Davier, A. A. (2019). Gamified Performance Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving Skills. Computers in Human Behavior.

Publication ∙ Rosen, Y., Wolf, I., & Stoeffler, K. (2019). Fostering collaborative problem solving skills in science: The Animalia project. Computers in Human Behavior.

Publication and PresentationStoeffler, K., Rosen, Y. (2019, September). PISA 2021 and Beyond: Design and Development of Innovative Learning and Assessment Solutions for Creative Thinking. International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA), Baku, Azerbaijan.

WorkshopStoeffler, K., Rosen, Y. (2019, September).  PISA 2021 and Beyond: Design and Development of Innovative Assessments at Scale. Workshop presented at the International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA), Baku, Azerbaijan.

Publication  ∙ Burrus, J., Way, J. D., Bobek, B. L., Stoeffler, K., & O’Connor, R. (2020). The ACT Holistic Framework of Education and Workplace Success. In M. E. Oliveri & C. Wendler (Eds.) Higher Education Admission Practices: An International Perspective. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

 Publication ∙ ACT (2019). PISA 2021 Creative Thinking Validation Study Research Report. ACT. IA: Iowa City.

Presentation ∙ Rosen, Y., Stoeffler, K. & Piancentini, M. (2019) Creative Thinking Framework Overview. PISA 2021 Meeting of New National Project Managers. Rockville, Maryland 

Presentation ∙ Rosen, Y., Stoeffler, K. & Piancentini, M. (2019) Creative Thinking Framework Overview . PISA 2021 First Meeting of National Project Managers. Vienna, Austria

Presentation ∙ Maris, G., Rosen, Y., Stoeffler, K. & Piancentini, M. (2019) Field Trial Creative Thinking Instrument Overview PISA 2021 First Meeting of National Project Managers. Vienna, Austria

Presenter ∙ Rosen, Y., Stoeffler, K. (2019). Developing Scalable Conversational Assessments for Collaborative Problem Solving. National Council on Measurement in Education Annual Meeting (NCME), Toronto , CA

Presentation ∙ Bourgault-Bouthillier, I.,  Stoeffler, K., Rosen, Y., & Von Davier, A. (2019). Using Technology-Rich Environments to Explore Gender Differences During Collaboration. National Council on Measurement in Education Annual Meeting (NCME), Toronto , CA

Co- Presenter ∙ Zhang, L., Li, B., Rosen, Y., Stoeffler, K., & Yu, S. (2019, March). Innovative problem solving assessment with learning analytics. Workshop presented at the Ninth International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. Tempe, Arizona. Conference Presentation.

Publication ∙ Rosen, Y., Stoeffler, K., & Waiyavutti, C. (2018). PISA 2021 Creative Thinking Cognitive Lab Research Report. ACT. IA: Iowa City.

Guest Lecturer ∙ Design and Development of Technology-Enhanced Assessments ∙ Harvard University, Cambridge, MA ∙ 2019

PresenterStoeffler, K., Rosen, Y., Bolsinova, M., & von Davier, A. A. (2018, September). Increasing measurement accuracy of collaborative problem solving by incorporating telemetry data. Presented at the 51st Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Frankfurt, Germany

Co-presenter ∙ von Davier, A. A, & Stoeffler, K., (2018, July). Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving Skills: An Overview. Workshop presented at the 2018 International Testing Conference in Montreal, Canada

PresenterStoeffler, K., Burrus, J., Way, J., Bobek, B., O’Connor, R., (2018, July). A Holistic Framework of Education and Workplace Success. Presented at the 2018 International Testing Conference in Montreal, Canada

PresenterStoeffler, K., Rosen, Y., Bolsinova, M., Way, J., Chopade, P., & von Davier, A. A. (2018, July). Increasing measurement accuracy of collaborative problem solving by incorporating telemetry data. Presented at the 2018 International Testing Conference in Montreal, Canada

Invited ContributorStoeffler, K., Greiff, S., Rosen, Y., von Davier, (2018, June). Toward a New Model of Collaborative Problem Solving Definition and Assessment. Presented at the Doctoral Consortium for the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences in London, UK

PresenterStoeffler, K., Rosen, Y., Bolsinova, M., & von Davier, A. A. (2018, June). Gamified Assessment of Collaborative Skills with Chatbots. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 343-347). Springer, Cham.

Presenter ∙ Chopade, P., Stoeffler, K., Khan, S. M., Rosen, Y., Swartz, S., & von Davier, A. (2018, June). Human-Agent Assessment: Interaction and Sub-skills Scoring for Collaborative Problem Solving. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 52-57). Springer, Cham.

PresenterStoeffler, K., Rosen, Y., Bolsinova, M., & von Davier, A. A. (2018, April). Exploring the Measurement of Collaborative Problem Solving Using a Human-Agent Educational Game. Poster presented at the NCME 2018 Annual Conference in New York City, NY. 

PresenterStoeffler, K., Rosen, Y., von Davier, A. A., Paek, P., (2017, September). Game-based Classroom Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving. Poster presented at the NCME Special Conference on Classroom Assessment and Large-Scale Psychometrics: The Twain Shall Meet Conference in Kansas City, KS. 

Invited Contributor ∙  Annual Colloquium of Assessment and Measurement Professionals, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment (Center for Assessment), held May 24-25, 2017, Sanibel Island, FL.

PresenterKristin Stoeffler, Yigal Rosen, Amit Agrawal, Alina A. von Davier (2017, March). Exploring the Measurement of Collaborative Problem Solving Using a Human-Agent Educational Game. Poster presented at the 7th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge to be held in Vancouver, Canada, March 13-17 2017

Presenter ∙ Stephen Polyak, David Edwards, Amit Agrawal, Joan Severson, Kristin Stoeffler, Allen Best, Josh Cosman, Ian MacMillan, Colin Dingler, James Gambrell, Alina A. von Davier (2016, December). Interpreting Game Log Evidence of Collaborative Problem Solving Skills for Middle School Students Using ML Clustering Techniques. Poster presented at the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS 2016) Conference in Barcelona, Spain.

Presenter ∙ Casillas, A., von Davier, A. A., Best, A., Agrawal, A., Dingler, C., MacMillan, I., Gambrell, Way, J. D., Severson, J., Cosman, J., Stoeffler, K., & O’Connor, R. (2016, September). Beyond academics: Exploring the measurement of collaborative problem solving of middle school students using a video game. Poster presented at the UCLA CRESST Conference in Los Angeles, CA. 

Guest Lecturer ∙ Design and Development of Technology-Enhanced Assessments ∙ Harvard University, Cambridge, MA ∙ 2018

Discussant ∙ Games and Learning Society Conference ∙ University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI ∙ 2014